October 21, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.

The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.

Roll Call


Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Clyde Keck, Peter Fenner, Richard Dragone and Jeff Franklin



Bill Loftus

Other Present

Marie & Gene Price, Jovanna Pozza. Chuck Kasbee, Helen St Nicholas, Kevin & Joyce Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Larry Hays, Kay Bresnahan Thomas Siliato And Frank Diamond


Approval of Minutes


Peter Fenner made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 16, 2015. Larry Mennella second motion to approve the minutes. Vote 7/0


Reports of Officers


PresidenT            Richard Dragone reported in new business.

VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus was absent.




Secretary  Ed Lehner had nothing to report.


TREASURER Peter Fenner presented the budget for approval from the board. He also requested to mail out the budget to the membership for a vote to waive the statutory reverses.   Jeff Franklin made the motion to approve the 2016 budget. Larry Mennella seconds the motion. Vote 7/0


Reports of Committees


Budget and Finance  Richard Dragone had nothing to report.


Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus was absent.


Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus was absent.

Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.

Personnel Committee

Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well.

Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.

Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.

Television Committee Al D’Andrea was absent..


New Business

Richard Dragone reported on the clubhouse, and stated that the renovation were on hold until all leaks going into the clubhouse are resolved.

Richard reported that the roof deck has to be replaced because the leaks that are going into the clubhouse are from the roof deck. We have some quotes and waiting on some others. Richard asked the board to approve $130,000.00 to fix the sun deck. Peter Fenner made the motion to approve $130,000.00 to repair the roof deck. Larry Mennella seconds the motion. Vote 6 yes/1no

Old Business

Comments and Questions

All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.



Larry Mennella made the motion to adjourn. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote: 7/0


Meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.

Richard Dragone, President