ATR Meeting Minutes 8/27/2020
2 ATR- Meeting Minutes 08.27.2020
A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held as follows:
When: November 7th 2016
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: The Atrium’s Main Lobby
Tony Traversa, Board Secretary
Posted on 11/04/16
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TEL 561.848.2306
FAX 561.848.2729
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa, Robert Ambrosini, Charles Gulgas, Joe Gibbons, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone (on the phone), Clyde Keck (on the phone) and Joyce Murphy.
Kevin Murphy, Jovanna Pozza, Debbie & Chuck Kasbee, Lorraine Gulgas, Larry & Janet Hays, Lucy Diamond, Shelly Orrill, Gary Orrill, Care O’Boyle, Gene & Marie Price, Gil & Meredith D’Andrea, Thomas McGarry, Irene Wallmueller,
Ginger Blackman, Irmma Deeg, Al D’Andrea, Casoi, Rouff, Silverman and Bob & Eileen Dawson.
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of Tuesday, March 22, 2016 and Monday, March 28, 2016. Robert Ambrosini second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0
Robert Ambrosini made the motion to accept the Bunker Engineering contract in the amount of $10,600.00, lift $800.00. Total cost $11,400.00.To inspect the entire building and to prepare a scope of work so that we can obtain bids from contractors. Clyde Keck seconds motion.Vote9/0
Gil D’Andrea discussed that he had been in communication with all employees and stated everything was going well, he recommended that Rupert, Leo and Ann receive a 3% increase in their salary. Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept Gil’s recommendation and give the employees a 3%increase. Robert Ambrsini seconds motion.Vote9/0.
Larry Hays discussed and explained the new contract for new Hi-Efficiency washers and dryers throughout the building. We will no longer be using tokens. We will have a card swipe system in mail room and every unit will be giving one laundry card. Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept the new washer and dryer contact. Joe Gibbons seconds the motion. Vote 8/1
Tony Traversa explained that every two years we clean the existing sewer vent lines. He presented the three quotes he received and suggested we award it to Advanced Plumbing for $3,500.00 which has been doing the work in the building for numerous of years and was the lowest bidder. Clyde Keck made the motion to accept Tony’s recommendation and go with Advanced Plumbing. Edward Lehner seconds the motion. Vote 9/0
Tony Traversa explained the three proposals received to replace rear trash room doors. He recommended we award the contract to Slawek Wilga for $1980.00. Richard Dragone made the motion to go with Slawek Wilga for $1980.00 to replace rear trash room doors. Clyde Keck seconds motion.Vote9/0
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept the revise Rules and Regulations regarding the pool that were written by our attorney. Charles Gulgas seconds the motion. Vote 9/0
New Business:
Joyce Murphy presented and explained the CAD drawings for lobby/mailroom and clubhouse. The drawings will be in the lobby for everyone to see.
Stuart Rouff presented and discussed why he needed to change the door direction in unit 612. The Board will investigate future alterations of any common areas.
Frank Wallmueller gave a Synopsis of where we are and why we are here which will be included in the monthly mailer.
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Tony Traversa made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrosini seconded the motion. Vote: 9/0
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary
A special meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 3:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.
The approval of Bunker Engineering was tabled until Aprils meeting.
Tony Traversa made the motion to approve the pest control contract. Clyde Keck second motion Vote 9/0
Richard Dragone made the motion to approve the landscaping contract. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0
Clyde Keck made the motion to approve of the sales of unit 505. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the invoice for the work the landscaping company will be performing. Robert Ambrsini second motion Vote 9/0
Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve William Loftus’s resignation as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 5/3
Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve Joe Gibbons to replace William Loftus as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 6/2
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrsini seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of January 18, 2016 and Tuesday Febrary 23, 2016. Robert Ambrsini second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0
Robert Ambrsini made the motion on having our board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Frank Wallmuller second motion to approve the minutes. Vote5/4
Tony Traversa made the motion on increasing the maintenance repair limit from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Frank Wallmuller second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0
This item was tabled: Vote on approving the quote from East Coast Testing & Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,350.00
Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve the leases for 219 and 311. Tony Traversa second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the Insurance Appraisal for $695.00. , Richard Dragone second motion.Vote9/0
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrsini seconded the motion. Vote: 9/0
Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary
An Organizational Meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on February 09, 2016 at 10:30 A.M. in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida, pursuant to notice given in accordance with Law and By-Laws of the Corporation.
Meeting called to order at 10:30 AM by Richard Dragone.
Board Members Present: Antonio Traversa, Clyde Keck, Bill Loftus, Richard Dragone, Edward Lehner, Joyce Murphy, Robert Ambrosini, Frank Wallmueller and Charles Gulgas (on the Phone)
Other Present
Gloria & Bob Button, Gene &Marie Price, Joe Gibbons, Larry Mennella, Kevin Murphy, Larry Hays
Mike & Sherry Marzigliao, Claire Graves, Shelly Orrill, Helen St. Nicholas and Candice Boyle
Election of Officers:
Nominations for the office of President: Clyde Keck nominated Richard Dragone for the office of President. Bill Loftus seconded the motion. Frank Wallmueller nominated Joyce Murphy for the office of President. Charles Gulgas seconded the motion. Vote: 5 /4 Joyce Murphy was elected President.
Nominations for the office of Vice President: Antonio Traversa nominated Frank Wallmueller for the office of Vice President. Robert Ambrosini seconded the motion. Richard Dragone nominated Bill Loftus for the office of Vice President. Clyde Keck seconded the motion Vote: 5/4 Frank Wallmueller was elected Vice President.
Nominations for the office of Secretary, Frank Wallmueller nominated Antonio Traversa for the office of Secretary, Robert Ambrosini seconded the motion. Richard Dragone nominated Edward Lehner for the office of Secretary, Edward Lehner declined. Vote All yeas, no nays Antonio Traversa was elected Secretary.
Nominations for the office of Treasurer: Charles Gulgas nominated Robert Ambrosini for the office of Treasurer. Frank Wallmueller seconded the motion. Vote All yeas, no nays. Robert Ambrosini was elected Treasurer.
New Business:
Old Business
Antonio Traversa made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrosini seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:49 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Antonio Traversa, Secretary
TEL 561.848.2306
FAX 561.848.2729
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, January 18, 2016 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.
Roll Call
Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Peter Fenner, Bill Loftus , Richard Dragone, Jeff Franklin and Clyde Keck
Other Present
Marie & Gene Price, Kevin & Joyce Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Kay Bresnahan, Garry& Shelly Orrill, Claire Graves, Doroth Haimes, Robert Button, John & Elaine Pavlick, Debbie Kasbee, Al D’Andrea, Jovanna Pozza, Larry & Janet Hays, Greta & Sonny Bezubek, Frank Wallmuller and Gil & Meredith D’Andrea
Approval of Minutes
Peter Fenner made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of December 16, 2015. Bill Loftus second motion to approve the minutes. Vote8/0
Reports of Officers
PRESIDENT Richard Dragone reported in new business.
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus reported in new business
SECRETARY Ed Lehner had nothing to report.
TREASURER Peter Fenner reported that the budget has been adjusted and is compliant with the Florida laws.
Reports of Committees
Budget and Finance Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.
Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported in new business.
Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.
Personnel Committee
Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well the sea grapes have been trimmed along with numerous other trees. He also reported that we have new landscaping in front of the new sign.
Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Enforcement Tony Traversa reported new parking stickers with our new logo will be issued soon. Tony Traversa made the motion to accept the new parking stickers and place the order. Jeff Franklin seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Television Committee Al D’Andrea was absent.
New Business
Bill Loftus explained that the contract for the sundeck will be started in the April. He also stated he looked into other possibilities on how the work can be done and concluded that the original way approved by the board is the best possible way for the building.
Richard Dragone reported and explained that we are appointing a impartial committee for opening the votes. Bill Loftus made the motion to appoint an impartial committee to verify the outer envelope and to count the votes with the following people. Helen St. Nicholas, Jovanna Pozza, Eileen Dawson, Patricia Brosamer, Lannie Pascual and Ann Sullivan. Jeff Franklin second that motion. Vote 8/0
Clyde from Renovation Committee reported that the meeting went great and made a motion that the board accept plan C with options for chances and with prices. Richard second the motion. Vote 8/0
Richard Dragone discussed that the building being painted is at least two years away and that at this time no colors choices have been made.
Richard Dragone asked if Myra could come to give a small speech for Mayor’s position of Palm Beach Shores. The board voted against it 7/1
Richard reminded everyone that February meeting will be at night as it is our annual meeting.
Old Business
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote: 8/0
Meeting adjourned at 12:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Richard Dragone, President
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.
Roll Call
Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Peter Fenner, Bill Loftus , Richard Dragone and Jeff Franklin
Clyde Keck
Other Present
Marie & Gene Price, Irma Deeg, Kevin & Joyce Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Kay Bresnahan, Naomi & Len Sogoloff, Garry& Shelly Orrill, and Donna & Paul Seltzer.
Approval of Minutes
Peter Fenner made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of November 18, 2015. Jeff Franklin second motion to approve the minutes. Vote7/0
Reports of Officers
PresidenT Richard Dragone reported in new business.
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus reported in new business
Secretary Ed Lehner had nothing to report.
TREASURER Peter Fenner reported that the budget has been adjusted and is compliant with the Florida laws.
Reports of Committees
Budget and Finance Richard Dragone had nothing to report..
Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.
Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported in new business.
Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.
Personnel Committee
Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well the sea grapes have been trimmed along with numerous other trees. He also reported that we have new landscaping in front of the new sign.
Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Enforcement Tony Traversa reported new parking stickers with our new logo will be issued soon. Tony Traversa made the motion to accept the new parking stickers and place the order. Jeff Franklin seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Television Committee Al D’Andrea was absent.
New Business
Bill Loftus reported that we have three bids for sun deck. The bids were from Paradigm Construction for $85,000.00, Division Seven for $103,000.00, and the Dean Michelle Group for $98,000.00. After reviewing the bids Bill Loftus made the motion to award the repair work for the sundeck be awarded to Paradigm Construction. Ed Lehner seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Bill also made the motion to award the air conditioners in the clubhouse to Farmer & Irwin. Ton Traversa seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Jeff Franklin made the motion to give the employees end of the year Bonus. Larry Mennella seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Bill Loftus made the motion to approve the Annual Retainer for Becker & Poliakoff. Jeff Franklin seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
The Board agreed to also remove the first floor drywall in the club house to secure there are no more leaks once the sundeck is done.
The Board agreed to do a air quality test in the club house to test for mold.
Old Business
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Larry Mennella made the motion to adjourn. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote: 7/0
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Richard Dragone, President
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.
Roll Call
Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Clyde Keck, Peter Fenner, Bill Loftus , Richard Dragone and Jeff Franklin
Other Present
Marie & Gene Price, Jovanna Pozza. Chuck Kasbee, Kevin & Joyce Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Kay Bresnahan, Lucy Diamond,Emilo Martinez, Shelly Orrill, Robert Button, Dorthy Haimes, Jim Ditello, Eileen & Bob Dawnson, Hilina Vidiaic, Mereddith &Gil D’Andrea, Egon Beerman, Frank Wallmueller and George Leferman
Approval of Minutes
Jeff Franklin made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of October 21, 2015. Larry Mennella second motion to approve the minutes. Vote 8/0
Reports of Officers
PresidenT Richard Dragone reported in new business.
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus reported in new business
Secretary Ed Lehner had nothing to report.
TREASURER Peter Fenner reported the budget was approved by the board for a vote to waive the statutory reserves. He understood that questions are being asked about the reserves and why the board is requesting to waive the statutory reserves for the building. The statutory reserve that is mandatory is $145,000, to his knowledge it has never been fully funded. When he started on the board it was a $5000 amount that was being put into the reserves. In 2015 we budgeted $50,000 to go into the reserves and for the year 2016 we budgeted 100,000. So the alternative is to either fully fund the reserves or be assessed if anything is to arise. We have not had an assessment about 10 years ago no one really likes assessment. Another alternative is to increase the maintenance fees by fully funding the reserves and again no one likes that. We are working hard to get to the amount to fully fund the reserves and hopefully for the year 2017 we could fully fund the reserves as we are at $100,000 funding the reserves. With this budget the top six front of the building will be paying an increase of a max of three dollars per unit and the others will go down in their maintenance. At the present time we have $ 230,000.00 in our reserve account. Peter also stated that the monies that has been collected for the renovation of the clubhouse is all account for and has not been used.
Reports of Committees
Budget and Finance Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.
Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported in new business.
Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.
Personnel Committee
Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well.
Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.
Television Committee Al D’Andrea was absent.
New Business
Richard reported on the clubhouse (getting actual itemized cost) that the attorney advises him to get actual cost and that it would be put out to a proper vote.
Bill reported the quotes on the Sun deck and Jeff made the motion that we start the first of May 2016 and we pick a contractor and proceed with the work. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote 8/0 Richard stated that we will keep everyone update on who was elected to do the work.
Bill reported the additional repair work from existing concrete contract we have with Paradigm Construction and that it will be completed next week.
New monthly maintenance rates was reported in the treasurers report.
A vote from the Board to authorize members calling into the monthly meetings. The motion was made that we have a better system and also with the guidelines from the attorney. Vote 5 yes /3 No
Old Business
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Larry Mennella made the motion to adjourn. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote: 8/0
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Richard Dragone, President
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.
Roll Call
Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Clyde Keck, Peter Fenner, Richard Dragone and Jeff Franklin
Bill Loftus
Other Present
Marie & Gene Price, Jovanna Pozza. Chuck Kasbee, Helen St Nicholas, Kevin & Joyce Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Larry Hays, Kay Bresnahan Thomas Siliato And Frank Diamond
Approval of Minutes
Peter Fenner made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of September 16, 2015. Larry Mennella second motion to approve the minutes. Vote 7/0
Reports of Officers
PresidenT Richard Dragone reported in new business.
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus was absent.
Secretary Ed Lehner had nothing to report.
TREASURER Peter Fenner presented the budget for approval from the board. He also requested to mail out the budget to the membership for a vote to waive the statutory reverses. Jeff Franklin made the motion to approve the 2016 budget. Larry Mennella seconds the motion. Vote 7/0
Reports of Committees
Budget and Finance Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus was absent.
Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus was absent.
Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.
Personnel Committee
Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well.
Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.
Television Committee Al D’Andrea was absent..
New Business
Richard Dragone reported on the clubhouse, and stated that the renovation were on hold until all leaks going into the clubhouse are resolved.
Richard reported that the roof deck has to be replaced because the leaks that are going into the clubhouse are from the roof deck. We have some quotes and waiting on some others. Richard asked the board to approve $130,000.00 to fix the sun deck. Peter Fenner made the motion to approve $130,000.00 to repair the roof deck. Larry Mennella seconds the motion. Vote 6 yes/1no
Old Business
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.
Larry Mennella made the motion to adjourn. Peter Fenner seconded the motion. Vote: 7/0
Meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Richard Dragone, President