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Atrium Board of Directors Meeting 09/17/2020

A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held as follows:
When: Thursday September 17, 2020
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Atrium Clubhouse¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬-________________________________________________
Topic: Atrium Board of Directors Meeting
Time: Sep 17, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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1. Roll Call – Establish Proper Notice & Quorum
2. Call Meeting to Order
3. Review meeting minutes (August 27, Meeting)
4. Lobby/Mailroom
5. Security
6. Guest Policy
7. Adjournment
Antonio Traversa, Board Secretary – Posted on: Tuesday September 15, 2020


Hello everyone!

I would like to introduce myself, my name is Geoff Hume and I am a licensed property manager.

I am working from the office daily so stop by and say hello!

Look forward to meeting all of you.



Notice of Committee Meeting


A Special Meeting of the Atrium’s Welcoming Committee will be held as follows:

When: November 28th 2016

Time: 9:00 am

Location: The Atrium’s Management Office


  1. Roll Call
  2. Establishment of Quorum
  3. Approval of Pending Sales & Leases
  4. Open Forum
  5. Adjournment


Tony Traversa, Board Secretary

Posted on 11/23/16

April 26, 2016

` “
TEL 561.848.2306
FAX 561.848.2729

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 7:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.

Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa, Robert Ambrosini, Charles Gulgas, Joe Gibbons, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone (on the phone), Clyde Keck (on the phone) and Joyce Murphy.
Kevin Murphy, Jovanna Pozza, Debbie & Chuck Kasbee, Lorraine Gulgas, Larry & Janet Hays, Lucy Diamond, Shelly Orrill, Gary Orrill, Care O’Boyle, Gene & Marie Price, Gil & Meredith D’Andrea, Thomas McGarry, Irene Wallmueller,
Ginger Blackman, Irmma Deeg, Al D’Andrea, Casoi, Rouff, Silverman and Bob & Eileen Dawson.

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of Tuesday, March 22, 2016 and Monday, March 28, 2016. Robert Ambrosini second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0

Robert Ambrosini made the motion to accept the Bunker Engineering contract in the amount of $10,600.00, lift $800.00. Total cost $11,400.00.To inspect the entire building and to prepare a scope of work so that we can obtain bids from contractors. Clyde Keck seconds motion.Vote9/0

Gil D’Andrea discussed that he had been in communication with all employees and stated everything was going well, he recommended that Rupert, Leo and Ann receive a 3% increase in their salary. Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept Gil’s recommendation and give the employees a 3%increase. Robert Ambrsini seconds motion.Vote9/0.

Larry Hays discussed and explained the new contract for new Hi-Efficiency washers and dryers throughout the building. We will no longer be using tokens. We will have a card swipe system in mail room and every unit will be giving one laundry card. Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept the new washer and dryer contact. Joe Gibbons seconds the motion. Vote 8/1

Tony Traversa explained that every two years we clean the existing sewer vent lines. He presented the three quotes he received and suggested we award it to Advanced Plumbing for $3,500.00 which has been doing the work in the building for numerous of years and was the lowest bidder. Clyde Keck made the motion to accept Tony’s recommendation and go with Advanced Plumbing. Edward Lehner seconds the motion. Vote 9/0

Tony Traversa explained the three proposals received to replace rear trash room doors. He recommended we award the contract to Slawek Wilga for $1980.00. Richard Dragone made the motion to go with Slawek Wilga for $1980.00 to replace rear trash room doors. Clyde Keck seconds motion.Vote9/0
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to accept the revise Rules and Regulations regarding the pool that were written by our attorney. Charles Gulgas seconds the motion. Vote 9/0

New Business:

Joyce Murphy presented and explained the CAD drawings for lobby/mailroom and clubhouse. The drawings will be in the lobby for everyone to see.

Stuart Rouff presented and discussed why he needed to change the door direction in unit 612. The Board will investigate future alterations of any common areas.

Frank Wallmueller gave a Synopsis of where we are and why we are here which will be included in the monthly mailer.

Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.

Tony Traversa made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrosini seconded the motion. Vote: 9/0

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary

March 28, 2016

A special meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 3:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.

The approval of Bunker Engineering was tabled until Aprils meeting.

Tony Traversa made the motion to approve the pest control contract. Clyde Keck second motion Vote 9/0

Richard Dragone made the motion to approve the landscaping contract. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0

Clyde Keck made the motion to approve of the sales of unit 505. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the invoice for the work the landscaping company will be performing. Robert Ambrsini second motion Vote 9/0

Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve William Loftus’s resignation as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 5/3

Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve Joe Gibbons to replace William Loftus as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 6/2

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrsini seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary

March 28, 2016

A special meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Monday, March 28, 2016 at 3:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 3:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.

The approval of Bunker Engineering was tabled until Aprils meeting.

Tony Traversa made the motion to approve the pest control contract. Clyde Keck second motion Vote 9/0

Richard Dragone made the motion to approve the landscaping contract. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0

Clyde Keck made the motion to approve of the sales of unit 505. Tony Traversa second motion Vote 9/0

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the invoice for the work the landscaping company will be performing. Robert Ambrsini second motion Vote 9/0

Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve William Loftus’s resignation as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 5/3

Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve Joe Gibbons to replace William Loftus as board member director. Frank Wallmueller second motion Vote 6/2

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrsini seconded the motion.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary

March 22, 2016

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.

Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of January 18, 2016 and Tuesday Febrary 23, 2016. Robert Ambrsini second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0

Robert Ambrsini made the motion on having our board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Frank Wallmuller second motion to approve the minutes. Vote5/4

Tony Traversa made the motion on increasing the maintenance repair limit from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00. Frank Wallmuller second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0

This item was tabled: Vote on approving the quote from East Coast Testing & Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $1,350.00

Robert Ambrsini made the motion to approve the leases for 219 and 311. Tony Traversa second motion to approve the minutes. Vote9/0
Frank Wallmueller made the motion to approve the Insurance Appraisal for $695.00. , Richard Dragone second motion.Vote9/0

Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.

Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Robert Ambrsini seconded the motion. Vote: 9/0

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary

February 23, 2016

A Special meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 7:00 P.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M by Joyce Murphy.
Roll Call
Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa ,Robert Ambrsini, Charles Gulgas Bill Loftus, Ed Lehner, Richard Dragone, Clyde Keck and Joyce Murphy.


Other Present
Marie & Gene Price, Kevin Murphy, Joe Gibbons, Kay Bresnahan, Garry& Shelly Orrill, Claire Graves, Doroth Haimes, Robert Button, John & Elaine Pavlick, Chuck & Debbie Kasbee, Al D’Andrea, Jovanna Pozza, Larry & Janet Hays, Greta & Sonny Bezubek, Frank Wallmuller and Gil & Meredith D’Andrea, George Leferman, Bob & Emily Evans, Jeanne Traversa,Dick & Sue Gardner, Jeannie Ambrosini, Egon Beerman, Helen St Nicholas, Jim Ditello, Larry Menella, Thomas McGarry, Candice Boyle, Philp Bunton,

Joyce Murphy started the meeting introducing the board and the new board members and everyone’s title. Joyce Murphy , President, Frank Wallmueller Vice President Tony Traversa Secretary, Robert Ambrosini Treasurer, Charles Gulgas as a new Director and Edward Lehner, Richard Dragone, Bill Loftus and Clyde Keck as Directors and has served the build for many year in all capacity.
Joyce stated we are you’re board. We are a board of the people for the people and we are your board. We want to be very open and transparent and available and hopefully we will make this property what we would all like it to be. She then introduced Frank Wallmueller who introduced all the committees. She also stated that a lot of new changes have been made to committees and new faces added to committees and thanked all previous Committee chairpersons for the hard work and dedication to the building and hope that they will now enjoy the beachfront living.

Frank stated that they will try to get everyone’s information updated so that all owners are involved. Frank started the introduction of all the committees

Maintenance Committee (formerly known as Maintenance and Hurricane)

Tony Traversa, Chairperson, Larry Hays, Joe Gibbons, Jovanna Pozza, Emilio Martinez, Clyde Keck and
Rupert Thompson

Sales, Lease and Welcoming Committee (formerly known as Sales and Leases)
Kevin Murphy, Chairperson, Ilene Wallmueller, Tony Traversa, Ginny Wexler and Al D’Andrea

Landscape and Beautification Committee (formerly known as Landscaping)
Joe Gibbons, Chairperson, Meredith D’Andrea, Jeannie Ambrosini, Ginny Wexler, Lorraine Gulgas
Debbie Kasbee and Janet Whitehead

James Ditello, Chairperson, Nancy Ditello, Clyde Keck, Loretta Keck, Jovanna Pozza and Janet Hays

Al D’Andrea, Chairperson, Mike Jutt, Paul Setzer, Chuck Gulgas and Chuck Kasbee Jr

Safety and Security Committee (formerly known as Parking Lot Violations)
Larry Hays Chairperson, Clyde Keck and Chuck Kasbee Sr.

Club House Renovation
Frank Wallmueller, Chairperson, Mike Marzgliano, Michael Jutt, Kevin Murphy, Emilio Martinez,
Joseph Gibbons and Tony Traversa

Finance and Budget Committee
Bob Ambrosini, Chairperson, Bob Button and Gary Orrill

Rules,Regulations and By Laws Committee (formerly known as Rules and Regulations)
Bob Ambrosini, Chairperson, Al D’Andrea, James Ditello, Lorraine Gulgas and Chuck Gulgas

Communication Committee
Paul Setzer, Chairperson, Donna Setzer and Frank Wallmueller

Gil D’Andrea, Chairperson, Chuck Gulgas, Kevin Murphy, Chuck Kasbee Jr and Mike Jutt

Al D’Andrea, Chairperson, Dick Gardner, Chuck Kasbee and Richard Dragone

Community Relations Committee
Chuck Gulgas, Chairperson, Joyce Murphy, Frank Wallmueller, Tony Traversa and Bob Ambrosini

Bike Storage Committee
Mike Happ ,Chairperson, Jean Happ, Chuck Gulgas and Lorraine Gulgas

Election and Nomination Committee
Paul Setzer Chairperson, Donna Setzer and Marion Hansen

Recycling Committee
Debbie Kasbee

Joyce then discussed that we are gathering information for all future plans and will keep everyone informed as the information is collected. Joyce thanked everyone for coming to this meeting and reminded everyone that the next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 7:00 P.M..

Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.

Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Tony Traversa seconded the motion. Vote: 9/0

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Tony Traversa, Secretary

May 20, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, May 20, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.


The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.

Roll Call


Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Bill Loftus, Peter Fenner, Richard Dragone, Jeff Franklin and Clyde Keck




Other Present

Lucy Diamond, Gloria & Bob Button, Mike & Mary Jutt, Gene & Marie Price Charles Kasbee, Candice Boyle and Philp Bunton.

Approval of Minutes


Larry Mennella made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of March 18, 2015 and April 15, 2015. Jeff Franklin second motion to approve the minutes. Vote 8/0


Reports of Officers


VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus had nothing to report.

Secretary    Ed Lehner had nothing to report.


TREASURER Peter Fenner had nothing to report


Reports of Committees


Budget and Finance   Richard Dragone had nothing to report.


Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.


Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported had nothing to report.

Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.

Personnel Committee

Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella had nothing to report.

Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.

Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.

Television Committee Al D’Andrea had nothing to report.

New Business

Jeff Franklin made the motion to approve the concrete restoration with Paradigm Construction Group. Larry Mennella seconded the motion. Vote 8/0


Bill Loftus made the motion to approve the new sign for the building with the new name. Clyde Keck seconded the motion. Vote 8/0


Richard Dragone stated the club house renovation approval of plans and mail out would be going out in the next couple days.

Richard reported that the finance’s for the club house are not finale and he is working with Wells Fargo and waiting for approval.

Richard Dragone and Larry Mennella approved to add Candice Boyle to the renovation committee.

Old Business

Richard Dragone stated that we are still working with the attorney’s to get the deed for the club house. He also reminded everyone that we have no meeting for the month of July and August.

Comments and Questions

All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.


Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Larry Mennella seconded the motion. Vote: 8/0

Meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.

Richard Dragone, President

December 17, 2014





TEL 561.848.2306

FAX 561.848.2729



A Special meeting of the Board of Directors of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, December17, 2014 at 11:00 A.M. in the clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.


The Meeting was called to order at 11:00 A.M. by Richard Dragone.


Roll Call


Present:   Jeff Franklin, Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa, Ed Lehner, Bill Loftus, Peter Fenner (by phone) and Richard Dragone



Albert D’Andrea

Results in voting:


NON FUNDING OF STATUTORY RESERVES:             YES: 58                                                                                                                                                 NO: 14




Bill Loftus made the motion to adjourn. Larry Mennella seconded the motion.  Vote: 7 -0.  Approved


Meeting adjourned at 11:10 A.M.


Respectfully Submitted,

Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.




Richard Dragone, President