June 17, 2015

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.


The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.

Roll Call


Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa , Ed Lehner, Bill Loftus, Peter Fenner, Richard Dragone, Jeff Franklin and Clyde Keck




Other Present

Marie & Gene Price, Jovanna Pozza. Chuck Kasbee, Ginny Wexler and Bob & Jeannie Ambrosini.

Approval of Minutes


Larry Mennella made the motion to approve the meeting minutes of May 20, 2015. Jeff Franklin second motion to approve the minutes. Vote 8/0


Reports of Officers


PresidenT            Richard Dragone reported in new business.

VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus had nothing to report.

Secretary  Ed Lehner had nothing to report.


TREASURER Peter Fenner had nothing to report


Reports of Committees


Budget and Finance  Richard Dragone had nothing to report.


Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.


Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported in new business.

Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.

Personnel Committee

Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella report everything is going well.

Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.

Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.

Television Committee Al D’Andrea had nothing to report.



New Business

Richard Dragone reported that he received a invoice from Dawn Bent an owner in the building for the art work design of the new name for the building. He went on to say that we have in writing a email that she stated she was donating this work and suggested to the board that we do not pay this bill. That entire board agreed.


Bill Loftus reported that the concrete restoration on the building will start mid-July through August. Bill Loftus said if there was any addition work that it would be brought in front of the board for approval.

He also stated that the new sign for the building is in town hall at the engineering department, the sign should be completed by the end of July.

He reported that we had a broken pipe that was repaired but finding the 40 year old part was very difficult. The total cost of the repairs was $1773.00.

Peter Fenner requested, moving forward that we get three bids for all work done in the building. The board all agreed.

Richard Dragone reported that we have received about 70 surveys back regarding the renovations of the club house. He also stated that he will appoint a three person committee to open the surveys in August.


Richard Dragone reported that we have not committed to any bank as of yet. He did state that Wells Fargo has approved us at an interest rate of 3.95%.


Richard Dragone stated that we are still working with the attorney to complete the purchase of the club house.

A motion was made by Peter Fenner to approve the $400,000.00 term loan for the renovation of the club house. The motion was second by Jeff Franklin. Vote 8/0



Old Business

Richard Dragone reminded everyone that we have no meeting for the month of July and August.


Comments and Questions

All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.



Jeff Franklin made the motion to adjourn. Bill Loftus seconded the motion. Vote: 8/0


Meeting adjourned at 11:25 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.

Richard Dragone, President