November 19, 2014
TEL 561.848.2306
FAX 561.848.2729
A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 10:30 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.
The Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M by Richard Dragone.
Roll Call
Jeff Franklin, Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa (by phone), Ed Lehner, Bill Loftus, Peter Fenner (by phone) Richard Dragone and Albert D’Andrea (by phone)
Other Present
Gene & Marie Price, Dorothy Haimes, Kay Bresnahan, Irmgard Deeg, Bob & Gloria Button, Debbie Kasbee, Frank & Lucy Diamond, Shelly Orrill, Frank & Ilene Wallmueller, Egon Beerman, Loe Gibbons and Gil D’Andrea
Deletions to the Agenda
Approval of Minutes
Approval of regular monthly meeting minutes held on Wednesday October 15, 2014. Bill Loftus made the motion to accept the minutes. Larry Mennella seconded the motion. Vote: 8 yes/ 0 no’s.
Reports of Officers
PresidenT Richard Dragone reported in new business.
VICE PRESIDENT Bill Loftus had nothing to report.
Secretary Ed Lehner had nothing to report.
TREASURER Peter Fenner reported that year to date everything is on track and on budget.
Reports of Committees
Budget and Finance Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.
Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported that the pool pump motor has blown and suggest we buy a new pump and repair the existing one. Richard made a motion to accepts Bill’s suggestion Jef Frankil seconded the motion. Unanimously the board voted 8/0
Insurance Committee Richard Dragone reported had nothing to report.
Personnel Committee
Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella reported that we are just doing maintenance and clean up. He also has received a quote to trim the sea grapes from Zimmerman for $1800.00 or a $900.00 quote from a free-lance guy with no insurance. The board voted to go with Zimmerman 5 yes to trim and 3 no’s to leave the sea grapes alone.
Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report.
Enforcement Tony Traversa reported everything was fine.
Television Committee Al D’Andrea had nothing to report.
New Business
Larry Mennella reported on the renovation of the club house and that he is working with two architects and waiting on their reports. He should have the reports by the end of the week.
The budget was discussed and explain the board of administration unanimously voted 8/0.
Old Business
Comments and Questions
All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board. The board was also handed a petition from Lucy Diamond on behalf of some owner in the building stating what ther would like to see in the renovation of the club house. Please see attached
Jeff Franklin made the motion to adjourn. Tony Traversa seconded the motion. Vote: 7/1
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 A.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.
Richard Dragone, President