December 18, 2013

A regular meeting of the Board of Administration of Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc. was held on Wednesday, December 18, 2014 at 10:00 A.M in the Clubhouse at 145 S. Ocean Avenue, Palm Beach Shores, Florida.


The Meeting was called to order at 10:00 A.M by Richard Dragone.

Roll Call


Jeff Franklin, Larry Mennella, Tony Traversa, Ed Lehner and Bill Loftus.


By Phone

Albert D’Andrea, Richard Dragone


Other Present

Kay Bresnahan, Jim Ditello, Frank Diamond, Irma Deeg, Chuck Kasbee, Bob & Emily Evans, Dorothy Haimes and Gene & Marie Price

Deletions to the Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Approval of regular monthly meeting minutes held on November 20, 2013, Bill Loftus made the motion to accept the minutes. Jeff Franklin seconded the motion. Vote: 7 /0.


Reports of Officers



Secretary    Ed Lehner had nothing to report.



TREASURER Richard Dragone reported

Reports of Committees



Budget and Finance   Richard Dragone had nothing to report



Maintenance Committee Bill Loftus reported that everything doing well and that we are all caught up.


Sales and Leases Committee Bill Loftus had nothing to report.

Insurance Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report

Personnel Committee

Landscaping Committee Larry Mennella reported that the sea grapes have been cut and the olive trees have been trimmed. General maintenance of the landscaping is going well.

Rules and Regulation Committee Richard Dragone had nothing to report

Enforcement Tony Traversa had nothing to report

Television Committee Al D’Andrea had nothing to report.

New Business

There was a lot of conversation, ideas and suggestions on the renovation of clubhouse by owners attending the meeting.

Ed Lehner made the motion to renewal of Annual Retainer for 2014 for Becker & Poliakoff our attorney. Bill Loftus seconded the motion. Vote 7/0.

Bill Loftus made the motion to approve the Christmas bonus (included in budget). Jeff Franklin seconded the motion. Vote 7/0

We are requesting that all owners submit their emails so that we can send building information via email.

Old Business


Comments and Questions

All comments, concerns and questions were answered and addressed by the board.


Jeff Franklin made the motion to adjourn. Larry Mennella seconded the motion. Vote: 7/0

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mayan Towers Condominium II, Inc.

Richard Dragone, Treasurer